Dancing in the Light


I love it when God uses simple things to get our attention.

A friend from Bible study gave all of us a “dancing poinsettia” for Christmas.  It’s solar powered and my kids went crazy for it, taking turns putting it in different windows each day and watching it move back and forth, dancing in the sun.  On the days it is cloudy, the flower moves slowly, and on the bright, sunny days, it dances joyfully.

When the time came to pack up our Christmas stuff, I couldn’t bring myself to put this little flower in a box for the next 11 months.  It had come to represent something really special for me because it is my daily reminder to dance in the sun.  Or I should say, dance in the Son – Jesus, the ultimate light, the light of the world (John 8:12).

Ordinarily, I’m not a person who does well with visual cues.  Some people can post things around the house or have visual reminders to help them stay focused, but most the time those things just don’t work for me.  But there is something about this little flower that catches my attention every day.

I now have it sitting in my kitchen window, and many times a day, I am reminded to “dance in the Son.” (I seriously despise how often I have to clean up the kitchen, so this is a great place to have something sitting around that makes me see past the mess and find some perspective.)  As long as that little flower has light, even just a little light coming through the clouds, it keeps moving.  Reminds me so much of my life with Christ . . . as long as I am looking toward Him, I can keep moving.  And when the clouds part and His love can really shine through . . . then I am able to dance!

Unlike my dancing flower, that relies on us to place it in a well-lit spot, I can decide how to position myself.  Many times, I take myself away from the light, I get distracted and look around at other “shiny things” that I mistakenly believe will help me move and dance.  I am so grateful that when I reposition myself, God’s light is still there – it’s always there, ready to shine warmly, to fill me up again, to move my life – there is no substitute for His light.

My little flower can’t move without light.  And I can’t move without the light of God in my life.  On my own, I can do nothing.  With God, I can keep moving, and sometimes, I can even dance!

Jesus said . . .”I am the light of the world.  If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”  John 8:12 (NLT)

 “I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark.”  John 12:46 (NLT)


What are the simple things around you that get your attention and put things in perspective?

8 thoughts on “Dancing in the Light

  1. Pat Collins

    Tamson, I love this. I can see you dancing in your kitchen bringing joy to your family. I’m so glad your dad let me know about your blog. You have been given this special gift of sharing your thought so beautifully to bring honor to Jesus. Keep up your blog. You are an inspiration to so many.

    • Tamson

      Pat, thanks for your sweet note and encouraging words. My parents are a little biased, of course, but they have always encouraged me write. Love you and Danny – miss you guys!

  2. YEAH!! Your blog is incredible as I knew it would be. Congratulations, Sister! This image of your children giggling at their dancing poinsettia is just what I needed to remind me to keep dancing with the Son.

    • Tamson

      Thanks, Jane! I appreciate your encouragement – it helped me get started. I look forward to reading more of your blog posts as well!

  3. Joey Kelley

    I love it!! You have always been such an inspiration!

    • Tamson

      Joey, thanks so much! You are an inspiration to me too. Wish we lived closer. I feel like there were some years in there where I might have been more of an inspiration to be naughty! I remember hearing a phrase once that said, “If I can’t be a good example, I’ll just have to be a horrible warning.” That’s more of how I feel about my ramblings, but hey, God can use anyone and any experience. . . thank goodness! Love you!

  4. Denise Vermeulen

    This was a ray of sunshine in my life today. Thanks and keep on bloggin’! Sending you love and hugs and hoping to see your adorable face soon!

    • Tamson

      Thank you my encouraging friend! Love you.

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